optimised light system to treat a wide variety of aesthetic concerns

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Safety | Optimised Results | Low Downtime | Fast Treatments



Hair Removal


Skin Toning





Benefits of the Dual Light IPL

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Introducing IPL

IPL or Intense Pulse Light is a must have technology for aesthetic and cosmetic clinics. This intense broad band light has a wavelength of 520nm – 1200nm and provides access to a wide range of prevalent and in demand aesthetic solutions. IPL differs from Laser as it offers a wide range of light wavelengths and treatment options.

Dual Light IPL

Treatments of DUAL LIGHT include:

When purchasing an IPL device, it is important to ask what makes it stand out in the range of other technology on the market. If you don’t understand what the benefits and features are there is little you can do to market the device to drive sales.

What other treatments are your clients currently engaging in outside your clinic?

Expanding treatment options to cover in-demand concerns provides the opportunity to retain existing clients, increase the quality of results you provide and grow your market reach and turnover.

Many clinics try to attract new customers without having a wide selection of solutions to offer. The introduction of a new technology into your practice or simply upgrading is a great talking point when it comes to opening a dialogue with consumers and the target market, to not only introduce a new service that suits their needs, but existing services that can be re-introduced into both that existing and new consumer base.

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The correct IPL device can provide your clinic with an edge on competitors, and optimise your turnover with a range of in-demand cosmetic solutions. With the Dual Light, you will be able to cross-sell treatments to your customers under the umbrella of one device, expanding your market reach. This too can increase turnover by offering ‘add-on’ treatments.

The Dual Light has been designed with added features with an aim to make it much safer, easier to use and more reliable than older or cheaper systems. Additionally, technology has been included in the system to assist in reducing treatment times and improving client comfort and results.

What steps can clinic owners and managers take to choose the right device for their practice?

By choosing the most appropriate technology platform for your clinic, you can dramatically affect the overall success of your business: client satisfaction and profitability. We have designed and strategised to equip clinic owners with information to guide their successful investment to achieve increased customer satisfaction, empower you through education to successfully introduce a new treatment application into your clinic or increase performance through an upgrade.



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